Friday, September 12, 2008

Local Businessman Broguiere Calls it Like He Sees It

Whittier Daily News
Letter to the Editor
Your View
Contract is a quacker
September 12, 2008

Contract is a quacker

Well gee whiz! Athens Services has threatened to sue Montebello if they don't get their way. The American way is to vote, so why is it that Athens does not want this to happen?

If it's so darn good for Montebello, why is it that Athens can't figure out that instead of paying attorneys a ton of money fighting the will of the people for an election, just let the election happen.

I was there the night this contract was approved by three council members. I found it very odd that during the hearing Athens' Dennis Chiappeta renegotiated the multimillion dollar contract during his rebuttal time on the issue.

It seems that 25 people spoke against it and another three spoke for it, counting Chiappeta himself. During Chiappeta's second time up to rebut opposing comments, the contract was redone between Chiappeta and Council member Robert Urteaga. Also, the contract was voted for approval by council members Kathy Salazar and Rosie Vasquez and, of course, the great negotiator himself, Robert Urteaga.

Now that is unheard of.

This contract prohibits 13 other trash haulers from doing business in Montebello after 2016. Free enterprise at work - or can we say monopoly? When a monopoly occurs, we all know it will cost you more in the long run.

I also find it strange that in the last 45 years, the Athens contract has never gone out for competitive bidding, while bids for almost everything at City Hall are a normal occurrence.

You know I almost forgot to mention that Athens has contributed $4,000 in the past 6 months to Robert Urteaga; $7,600 to Rosie Vasquez from 2005 to 2008; and a whopping $12,500 to Kathy Salazar from 2005 to 2008. There's no way that I am saying what you may be thinking.

I remember a friend telling me that if it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck and walks like a duck, it's a duck.

Ray Broguiere

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