Friday, October 10, 2008

SGVT Article: Montebello Postpones Trash Decision

The San Gabriel Valley Tribune Reports on the "spit-in-the-face of residents" council meeting held this past Wednesday.

  • Rosie Vasquez seconds a motion before Salazar gets to utter the words (the deal was made)

  • Athens representative lies about their wonderful MRF and their services while the SVGTribune article is passed around telling of the $18M lawsuit against Athens by AQMD for numerous health, safety and odor violations

  • Athens brings employees to meeting, take all the seats, and force real Montebello Residents to sit in the hallway (smart move)

By Amanda Baumfeld, Staff Writer
October 10, 2008

(Watchara Phomicinda / Staff Photographer)

MONTEBELLO - In front of hundreds of protesting residents, the City Council on Wednesday postponed a decision to let voters decide who takes out the trash in Montebello's commercial areas.


Anonymous said...

I did not think "do nothing" was an option for the council under the law.

By default under the Election Laws, does the matter go on the ballot, or is the contract automatically repealed?

Anonymous said...

Concerned Joe,

You are right, the law doesn't let the council do anything but 1)repeal their decision, or 2)put it on the ballot.

Bob King sold us out. His report (written by the City Attorney) is what said they had "other options."

Vasquez, Urteaga, and Salazar gave Athens an opportunity to fight our right to vote in court.

Thanks to the Three Stooges and King, a judge will decide.

During the legal ramblings, the issue is still suspended and on hold.

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